NiceTouch v2.1
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 CCharacterMovementCharacterMovement is a very basic character class, used only to demonstrate how to bind the various controls to a character
 CEventRegisterStatic class that allows any class to start or stop listening to events
 CGameObjectExtensionsGame object extensions
 CLayermaskExtensionsLayermask Extensions
 CListExtensionsList extensions
 CMMAnimatorExtensionsAnimator extensions
 CMMArrayArray helpers
 CMMArrayExtensionsArray extensions
 CMMAutoInputModuleThis helper class handles adding the appropriate input module depending on whether the project is using the old or new input system
 CMMBoundsExtensionsBounds helpers
 CMMCameraExtensionsCamera extensions
 CMMColorExtensionsColor extensions
 CMMColorsColor helpers
 CMMConsoleThis class displays an on-screen console for easier debugging DO NOT ADD THIS CLASS AS A COMPONENT
 CMMControlsTestInputManagerThis persistent singleton handles the inputs and sends commands to the player in the MMControls demo, its sole purpose is to output debug logs of the various interactions with the demo's inputs
 CMMDebugDebug helpers
 CDebugLogItemA struct used to store log items
 CMMDebugLogEventAn event used to broadcast debug logs
 CMMDebugLogCommandArgumentCountAttributeAn attribute to add to static methods to they can be called via the MMDebugMenu's command line
 CMMDebugLogCommandAttributeAn attribute to add to static methods to they can be called via the MMDebugMenu's command line
 CMMDictionaryExtensionsDictionary extensions
 CMMEnumConditionAttributeAn attribute to conditionnally hide fields based on the current selection in an enum
 CMMEventListenerA public interface you'll need to implement for each type of event you want to listen to
 CMMEventListenerBaseEvent listener basic interface
 CMMEventManagerThis class handles event management, and can be used to broadcast events throughout the game, to tell one class (or many) that something's happened
 CMMExecutionOrderAttributeAdd this attribute to a class and its Execution Order will be changed to the value specified in parameters Usage : [ExecutionOrder(66)]
 CMMFadeFade helpers
 CMMFloatExtensionsFloat extensions
 CMMGameEventMMGameEvents are used throughout the game for general game events (game started, game ended, life lost, etc.)
 CMMGeometryA helper class to handle geometry related operations
 CMMHelpersVarious helpers
 CMMImageImage helpers
 CMMInputInput helpers
 CIMButtonIM button, short for InputManager button, a class used to handle button states, whether mobile or actual keys
 CMMInspectorGroupAttributeAn attribute used to group inspector fields under common dropdowns Implementation inspired by Rodrigo Prinheiro's work, available at
 CMMIStateMachinePublic interface for the state machine
 CMMMathsMath helpers
 CMMMovementMovement helpers
 CMMRectTransformExtensionsRectTransform extensions
 CMMSceneScene management helpers
 CMMSerializedPropertyExtensionsSerialized property extensions
 CMMShufflebagA class to use to get more controlled randomness, taking values out of the bag randomly, and never getting them again
 CMMStateMachineStateMachine manager, designed with simplicity in mind (as simple as a state machine can be anyway)
 CMMStringString helpers
 CMMSwipeEventAn event usually triggered when a swipe happens
 CMMSwipeZoneAdd a swipe manager to your scene, and it'll trigger MMSwipeEvents everytime a swipe happens
 CMMTimeTime helpers
 CMMTouchAxisAdd this component to a GUI Image to have it act as an axis
 CMMTouchButtonAdd this component to a GUI Image to have it act as a button
 CMMTouchFollowerJoystickAdd this component to a UI rectangle and it'll act as a detection zone for a follower joystick
 CMMTouchJoystickJoystick input class
 CMMTouchRepositionableJoystickAdd this component to a UI rectangle and it'll act as a detection zone for a joystick
 CMMVector2ExtensionsVector2 extensions
 CMMVector3ExtensionsVector3 Extensions
 CNiceTouchTestInputManagerThe only purpose of this class is to test all the possible bindings for the MMTouchAxis, MMTouchJoystick and MMTouchButton classes
 CRectExtensionsRect extensions
 CRendererExtensionsRenderer extensions
 CScrollRectExtensionsScrollrect extensions
 CTransformExtensionsTransform extensions